Quality control revolves mostly around compliance with client expectations with regards travel times between loading and unloading, ensuring the loading practices are maintained and that the load is carried safely with regards to quality and quantity.

To this end the company engages with the clients to utilize load sealing methodologies where all loads are sealed after loading and verification by the driver.  The loads are then un-sealed at unloading and checked against the waybill for quality and quantity.  Procedures for breaking seals are also in place.  The quality of the load is kept intact via the use of well-maintained fully closed trailers and defensive driving by the drivers.
Travel times are maintained and monitored by the control room and any problems with vehicles are dealt with swiftly.  On some contracts, the vehicles are operated on a 24hr 6 day a week basis for which the company employs at least two drivers per vehicle.  This ensures to optimal utilization of vehicles on these contracts.

Workshop quality is ensured via fully developed methodologies and checklists used for servicing vehicles.